01 - An Introduction to Wollongong, pt. 1

The pilot episode of The Official Wollongong Podcast. The boys choose some of their favourite tracks that they feel would be a good introduction to the band.

Join the founding members of Wollongong - Dave, Michael (Zini), Oakie Doke (Jack) & Voltz Supreme (Joel) - as they celebrate 10 years of improvised musical madness and count up to the release of their 100th album!

With almost 100 recorded albums, becoming a huge Wollongong fan can sometimes start off as a slightly daunting experience. But with The Official Wollongong Podcast, the boys have done all the hard work for you, giving you the best introduction to and summary of what is now known as the greatest musical entity to have ever birthed the “location genre”.

So grab a hot cuppa-joe, some extremely high quality headphones, sit back and enjoy as the boys look back over the greatest decade of music ever and venture forward into a bright, bright future!

If you’re not a huge Wollongong fan, you will be.

Track List:

  1.  Scarecrow Face - Warm Vibrations From Mother Owl (2013)  

  2.  Big Boy Hot Tub - While People Were Drowning (2012)  

  3.  The Filthy Gutters - Wollongong St (2018)

  4. Fecus Dreams - The Wonderful World of Fecus The Cat (2015)   

  5.  Theme From Hang Ten Heroes - Jane’s (2015)

  6.  The Apprenticeship - Sailing Upon The Apprenticeship (2013)

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/QTrjYrqPFw

Wollongong on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ga50N9da6tAnw3QBbnmTs?si=f5r6_RDHS6eVUtSbaT1N4A&dl_branch=1

Wollongong on Bandcamp: https://wollongong.bandcamp.com/


02 - An Introduction to Wollongong, pt. 2